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《SE7EN 747 Concert DVD》內容簡介

人氣紅星SE7EN於4月7日在首爾奧林匹克公園舉行演唱會「747 - SE7EN for 2007」後,便要暫別韓國樂壇,為進軍美國樂壇作準備。因此門票在五分鐘內便全部售罄,全場1萬2千個座位爆滿。SE7EN表示把個唱命名為「747」,有乘坐747客機邁向世界之意。


此版本附160頁寫真集及Bonus DVD,收入演唱會花絮、多角度視角、訪問和照片集等。 < !--


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  • views/Reviewer.aspx?section=karaoke&code=k&version=all&shopper_id=2Fvi72cqxC8nnxWki4VVTyGulaa!!2pNW5BIaa!!2UjrBfCHgok2iusE7gA1aa!!4bC9p2aa!!4eNoVK">Dorna  Wednesday, July 25, 2007
    Well first of all i just bought this DVD along with other Kpop & Jpop merch yesterday and its fantastic.
    Just by looking at the outside cover i was like 'WOW' XD
    Well this is by far the coolest packaging i've seen and i'm a special edition collector so i got alot of stuff with awesome packaging ^.^

    So the whole thing is like a photo album [160 pages, full colour, glossy and High quality], and the 2 DVD's are placed one at the front of the book and the other at the back ^.^

    I haven't watched it yet [due to school duties] but from just glancing through the book it looks like one hell of a concert ^.^

    I'm getting one also for a friends late bday gift ^.^
    It is a must for all kpop & Se7en fans.

    Much <3 Dorna-chan

    評論員: Jennifer  (看這位顧客的所有評論)

    I just finished watching my 747 DVD yesterday!!! I don't know how to describe it. It is TOO perfect. By the end of the concert I can tell that se7en is really sad too!!! He just can't let go. I can tell he really wanted to extend the concert, but apparently he have no other choice but ending the concert!!!

    I also finished watching Rain's Coming World Tour DVD last week. I was shocked!!! The light and the video screen he used was TOO creative, but what I miss seeing was the "7″ light stick.

    I changed my mind after watching se7en's 747 concert today!!! Nobody can beat se7en's voice~ Every part and every scene was all neatly made. Even the cloth he wore was very luxurious ( The clothes are WAY better than First Se7en concert!!!) His stylist must have worked hard to come up with all of these fantastic ideas. The texture for his clothes are all well picked. He wore a lot of silk shirt, which made him cooler by performing. Crystals and rhinestones was all over his jeans and sneakers~ It's not an easy process~

    Compare 747 to his previous one, it's an excellent achievement. He handled the concert perfectly.

    He made a whole bunch of adorable looks and facial expressions on 747. It's an experience I will never forget. It really made me want to attend his live concert at least once in my life!!!

    I LOVE SE7EN and I ALWAYS WILL!!!! I sincerely wish him luck when entering U.S. It's not an easy task to win over American girls' heart, but he already won mine!!!

    評論員: Jennifer  (看這位顧客的所有評論)

    747昨天收到了!!!也看完了~我真的好感動.看到結束時77不捨的表情, 心裡也有一點難過.我想大家一定都感覺的出來, 因為77把難過已經全寫在臉上了~

    光是77的聲音就無懈可擊, 更別說這次的演唱會還加了許多的煙火和火花.每一個橋段都是精心設計的, 跟前年在東京舉辦的FIRSTSE7EN大大不同, 只能說,整個視覺效果更棒!!!

    這次的服裝造型非常的精緻!!! 每件都是設計師的佳作. 不是用皮衣就是全絲的襯衫. 牛仔褲和鞋子還鑲上了大把大把的水鑽, 我真的是目不暇接. 他的整體造型都非常的華麗但又不失性感. 只是很多的舞台裝都採用Polyester的材質, 所以會比較熱, 因為不透氣. (77流了一身大汗, 好可憐~)

    他的歌聲依舊非常的穩, 也非常的有磁性, 還飆出了完美的高音~ 77跳舞時更沒話說, 舞步精準, 動作完全到位. 在配合這次的音樂, 真的是動感十足﹗(很多首歌都很新鮮, 因為很多的曲都是REMIX, 光聽前奏是聽不出他在唱那一首歌的)

    這兩個鐘頭的演唱會真的非常的精彩!!! pororo像你說的, 的確有想下次飛去韓國的衝動!!!
    但是我卻沒注意已經不知不覺的來到了尾聲, 可是我還是意猶未盡,而且也開始難過了起來~他是那個永遠都充滿活力和散發他最真的笑容的人~真的真的…..好捨不得我心愛的小7~

    這次的演唱會比較像告別會. 暫時告別今年在韓國演出. 像747班機一樣的邁向新的世界, 新的體驗, 甚至新的挑戰. 在這旅途中也許不會很順暢, 不會很如意, 或者要面對失敗以及外面的冷嘲熱諷, 但是我相信77一定會用盡全力的發光發熱, 不讓我們失望. 但是不管多麼有信心, 他還是會想念站在自己家鄉的舞台上, 因為它是多麼的親切和熟悉. 也就是如此, 他才那麼的捨不得吧﹗﹗﹗

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